
no longer amusing

There were several amusement parks that were rather close to my home as I was growing up, they're all defunct now. Let's see...there was:


I don't see how The Park at Mall of America is any better than Old Chicago...Old Chicago was great fun and "The Chicago Loop" was my first roller coaster ride. Rumor always had it that the corkscrews from that ride went on to be part of Great America's Demon or Turn of the Century or some shat. According to everything I've read, OC was only open for 5 years, that makes no sense...though I was between the ages of 6 & 10 during its lifespan and it was a much different time to be a kid and when Bolingbrook wasn't so much a suburb.

Dispensa's was pants. They kept changing the commercial theme song as the prices went up. It went from "any ride a quarter, five for a dollar" to when it closed, "any ride a dollar, five for your first born".

I'm still waiting for my babysitter, Kim, to bring me to Santa's Village when she gets her license...though now I see that it's closed and I guess I'm SOL.

I don't know that I ever went to Adventureland but it was the closest to home. I just remember the giant muffler man lumberjack dude standing guard and the colorful paint peeling picket fence (full of lead I bet) surrounding the place. And look, it was even open "Both Memorial Days", uh, what?

(click on photos for sites where credit is due)


Co said...

Holy crap!! Colin just brought up Adventureland yesterday. This is the second mention in as many days. That's a goocher!

Incidentally, my word verification code is ycidsf. That totally sounds like some sort of acronym put down, not unlike ycgsth, ycbioya or ycstfu. LOLA!

The Nutshell said...

I remember going to everything but Adventureland, but we always drove past those 2 big guys on the way out to McHenry or something. I liked Dispensa's, when Fifi was little we used to take her there, and it's so funny but I just mentioned the sno-ball ride at Santa's Village, and I was talking with a co-worker about Old Chicago. Kiddie Land still exsists right?

hotdish (shirl's girl) said...

Yes, Kiddie Land still exists...their web page even says something about "don't believe the rumors, we're still open!"