
Tilapia Thursday, a self-made goocher

Okay, so I didn't make this. I had never eaten Tilapia before and the goocher comes in the fact that I ordered it two days in a row, yesterday and Tuesday. If I can bring myself to get around the fact that I'm cooking fish*, I will try to make this dish as it looks delicious.

*More generally, "plausible deniability" can also apply to any act which leaves little or no evidence of wrongdoing or abuse. Examples of this are the use of electricity or pain-compliance holds as a means of torture or punishment, leaving little or no tangible signs that the abuse ever took place. (Wikipedia)


Anonymous said...

Tilapia...available at your friendly neighborhood Taso. :-)

Co said...

I was at Schmucky's last night and ended up having the halibut dinner on account of one of the servers ordered it for her own meal but the kitchen inadvertently made two plates. Score!

PS I hear the tilapia is also quite tasty there. ddmmm!