
Fuggedaboutit Friday

Nobody understands why I didn't dine at any of these three places when I was in IL last week. Lou's-best pizza, Ricobene's-for very good sandwiches (an all time favorite of The Nutshell) & there's nothing wrong with Gino's East. As far as I can read, while they're growing at a steady pace, none of these places have branched out of the Chicago area...savvy indeed.


The Nutshell said...

I haven't thought about Ricobene's in so long - and this week Tim and I were just talking about breaded steak sandwiches and how he's going back at the end of the month - yada yada. (Did you see on the website - frozen Ricobene's coming soon - shipped anywhere in country!) (They also have "Can Pop" on the menu!)

hotdish (shirl's girl) said...
