
The goocher that's got me...

Yesterday I stopped at a Walmart that I rarely go to on my way home from dropping Mr. Pre-K off at school. On my way out of the store, I brought Char into the ladies room near the exit to change him. I heard a distinctive cry coming from the handicapped I'm finishing up with Char, out comes a mother, her (I'm guessing) three year old and a little baby half dressed in an unsnapped onesie. Poor baby was crying like a little bird and had severe cranial/facial issues that were clearly in the process of being repaired. I talked to the baby, telling him there's no need to cry and that he's just a sweet little guy. The mother told me he's five months old, finished up her business and headed out. I thought about the baby the rest of the day and well into the night.

We went to Target to take something back today (and bring a few things home, how could I not?)...I was ordering my Starbucks and recognized the cry from yesterday, the same woman was there with her children. This time she was yelling at the older boy, I wanted to throw up from the sadness of it all. By appearances, nothing seems to be going right for these people and that's as nice as I can be about it.

Here's the goocher...the stores are about 30 miles away from each other.

P.S. to the greeter at Walmart: You may want to consider locking the door of the family restroom near layaway when you're doing your business in there...just saying.

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