
Arizona and the virtues of water

It's been 15 years since I lived in Arizona. I love Arizona. I don't think I'd like living in Phoenix anymore (suburban sprawl, you can get that anywhere). I liked the extreme/dry heat and the diverse terrain.

Drinking water wasn't the chore it is now, I drank it ALL THE TIME and I was a size 6. I actually went to a store that was called "Water N' Ice" to get refills in my water bottle (it was long before the bottled water phenomenon of today). LOL, nobody knows how I weigh a mere 9 lbs. more than that now and feel like sh!t ALL THE TIME so I'm going back to agua. Anyway, here's a couple people who mean the world to me visiting Arizona and a bit about H2O.

Ten benefits of drinking water, taken from

* Get Healthy Skin
* Flush Toxins
* Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Attack
* Cushion And Lube Your Joints And Muscles
* Get Energized And Be Alert
* Stay Regular
* Reduce Your Risk Of Disease And Infection
* Regulate Your Body Temperature
* Burn More Fat And Build More Muscle
* Get Well

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