
the headache meter

How could I have forgotten about the effects feature on Photo Booth? This is the thermal effect. Now my husband and I can walk around with our MacBooks and pretend like we're the next Ghost Hunters (love/hate that show). Is that a hot spot? No, it's Jason Hawe's nuts.
Ack, I'd just crap if I saw a ghost.

Thanks to my Keurig* for brewing me up the Southern Pecan flavored Green Mountain coffee in my ghost travel mug this morning, it's taking the edge off the headache.

*more on that later


Co said...

Iswearbythemoonandthestars that, when I was a little boy of all about 7 or 8 and delirious with fever on the top bunk, I woke in the middle of the night once on account of I needed to scream for my mom but instead, I saw a snowman ghost standing across the room from me. Actually, it was a snowwoman ghost and she was standing there waving at me. I didn't say a mumbling word as we looked at each other for about 3-4 minutes. Then, she turned all the way around a couple times and disappeared. I never did scream for my mom that night; the snowwoman ghost made my I'm-totally-gonna-vomit-any-second-now feeling go away. I'm still not sure if I believe in ghosts even though I saw one. True story; no lies.

hotdish (shirl's girl) said...

I've also experienced and seen some nonsense that I can't explain (both in and out of my control, LOLA!) I'm seeing your ghost as Burl Ives in drag!