
Thursday's thoughts and theories

I went to my neurologist of eight years for my semi-annual appointment on Tuesday. I have a condition called Dopa-responsive Dystonia which means that on occasions I shake, have slurred speech and my motor skills are a bit ephed up (very relaxing and fun to explain to people who think it's worthy of commentary).

I found out at my previous (lengthy and test-intensive) appointment that I do NOT have carpal tunnel. That is great because I'm guessing the place that used to cut me a paycheck wouldn't be interested in retro-paying disability for damage done while sitting in the sh!ttiest cubicle known to man in their fine institution. I have, however, been diagnosed with sciatica which has sent me reeling to the chiropractor and on the recommendation of the same neurologist at the same previous appointment, to physical therapy.

As far as Tuesday's seems I have the DRD as under control as it can possibly be these days and I attribute the change to the fact that I no longer work in the aforementioned pants environment and switching to (mostly) decaffeinated beverages (neurologist's orders again, go figure). I only left with samples of migraine medication for those once-a-week-eyeball-to-neck- and-beyond zingers that leave me helpless to the point of tears.

Are you in constant pain? Instead of telling a bunch of people who can't relate and as a result think you're a drama queen, see a competent neurologist or MD that specializes in your brand of pain.

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