
one reason why the British version of "The Office" is better

...and never once did I see the face of Ricky Gervais on a wipe off memo board in Target's One Spot (though I would have bought one).


Melanie said...

Absolutely! Well said.

I found your blog by clicking around on my profile interest ("iced lattes" was the winner) and saw your user pic of Little Edie. And anyone with a user pic of Little Edie is OK by me.

Also, I love your blog name. I've been wanting to start a feature on my blog called "It Came From the Church Cookbook" wherein I make and photograph the most hideously awesome recipes from our church's fundraiser cookbook.

hotdish (shirl's girl) said...

Thanks for the nice message, Melanie.

That's a great idea about your church cookbook, I'd be a reader!

James Lileks has an old timey collection of cookbooks in his Gallery of Regrettable Food, it's worth a look.

Have a great weekend :)