
4 name bean bake

This one comes from my $1 copy of Colorado Cookbook (Half Price Books in St. Paul, MN) , a fundraiser for the University of Colorado (Boulder) libraries. It's the four name bean bake with 5 types of beans in was good and easy, I made the more vegetarian version as this usually includes bacon & ground beef. I'm finding that I like to cook casserole/crock-pot type things this time of year so I guess that's what I'll usually make in this useless little segment.

1 comment:

Co said...

Although that stuff looks not unlike Blow in a Bowl, I bet it's tastier than the Hot Pockets that come out of my microwave on a regular basis. What say you put the leftovers in a Tupperware and send it my way via overnight delivery? Mmmm didum.

PS My word verification looked like weave veggie.