
This. Blog. Bores. Me.

Once I figure out what to do with it I'll get back to posting but in the meantime, feel free to visit for the COUNTDOWN TO VEGAS CLOCK!! WOO HOO!!!

MySpace Countdown


Jury Doodie

I'm not needed for jury duty, like not at all...I called the info line and they've no use for group "C" so I didn't even have to show up for the selection process. Aces.



Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
~Martin Luther King Jr.

He was only 39.


ticker, what???

Okay Fifi and Kelly...I finally got around to looking at the ticker on the right regarding Vegas but didn't want to go through the site where I made it (time consuming). I went with a simpler one on a cruise site. I picked the most ridiculous destination I could find via the least desirable means of transport and made a new ticker. Is it really only 50 days away? Somebody look at a calendar, stat!

Caribbean Cruise Guide

P.S. Speaking of cruises and inappropriate vacations...I had a dream last night that the three of us were floating on a raft like my mom used to use in St. Germain. We all fell asleep on it so we got to shore and stuck into a Motel 6 while the rooms were wide open for cleaning. Very relaxing.

songs stuck in my head (again with the country)

"Love's Been a Little Bit Hard on Me" is equally stuck but I'll just give you this one which is equally depressing!

JUICE NEWTON lyrics - Angel Of The Morning

(Chip Taylor)

There'll be no strings to bind your hands
Not if my love can't bind your heart
There's no need to take a stand
For it was I who chose to start
I see no need to take me home
I'm old enough to face the dawn

Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Then slowly turn away from me

Maybe the sun's light will be dim
And it won't matter anyhow
If morning's echo says we we sinned
Well, it was what I wanted now
And if we're the victims of the night
I won't be blinded by light

Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Then slowly turn away
I won't beg you to stay with me

Through the tears of the day
Of the years, ba-a-a-by
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, darlin'
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, darlin'


civ-ACK duty

Back when I worked in The Office I'd have loved to have been on call for jury duty but then again I'd probably come back to a healthy dose of "you're the worst employee we've ever had, please do your share in writing a departmental procedure handbook and oh by the way, we've promoted your favorite team member, ol' snoozy pants tea break taker, to work director" when I got back.

I'll post about how it goes. Ten bucks says they'll want nothing to do with me.


Friday: Finally Finished The Fountainhead/now reading

Over the course of the past few months I read a little bit at a time in the evening and then finished off the last segment this week. I really like Ayn Rand's writing and (thanks to Paperback Swap) have a copy of her journals.

Before delving into that book I'll be doing a little reading on the topic of losing weight:

The Weight Loss Diaries by Courtney Rubin


My guess for tonight's Runway models.

I'm guessing the women from Real Housewives of Orange County are going to be on PR tonight!!!

At first from the bit on TV I thought there was going to be a new series about housewives in NYC and then I did a Google search and put two and two together. People who don't watch "Housewives" are going to be like "what the hell is wrong with these women?"

today's forecast: Sunshine

Here's Mr. Toddlerpants as he was a year ago today. At that time he just sat around and looked cute.
Now he has a list of likes and dislikes:
Likes: garlic bread, watered down apple juice, trains, books, containers, duplo blocks, puzzles, Target popcorn and free cookies from the bakery ladies
Dislikes: shoes, humans on television (except his girlfriend, the Choo Choo Soul girl on Disney), running out of juice, sitting still
Update: photos from today, nobody knows what's keeping that hat on his head!


Charles already likes books (that's my boy)...#1 son spared the marshmallow-on-a-stick-snowman's face...I still like to cook (German Christmas dinner, hideous looking punch, New Year's Day traditional good luck dinner...we had lots of fun with Mr. Snowman and the holidays were as happy as they could be, welcome 2008.


land of the list

Most lists were spotted held tightly in people's hands over the holidays. These are the few that were left behind. Thanks to Fifi for the Walmart letter she found. It's from "Bill" which granted employees 10% off any ONE item, thanks dude.


how's it hangin'?

Okay, I really don't photograph well these days and definitely not when upside down. Perhaps an eyebrow wax is in order.

Happy New Year!