Okay Fifi and Kelly...I finally got around to looking at the ticker on the right regarding Vegas but didn't want to go through the site where I made it (time consuming). I went with a simpler one on a cruise site. I picked the most ridiculous destination I could find via the least desirable means of transport and made a new ticker. Is it really only 50 days away? Somebody look at a calendar, stat!
Caribbean Cruise GuideP.S. Speaking of cruises and inappropriate vacations...I had a dream last night that the three of us were floating on a raft like my mom used to use in St. Germain. We all fell asleep on it so we got to shore and stuck into a Motel 6 while the rooms were wide open for cleaning. Very relaxing.
Hi!! The vegas counter on the right is the correct one!!!!
Good Lord! I need those extra 15 days, to save money, lose weight, and find a good pair of walking shoes.
This Carnival one is PANTS! Right now it says 42 days, LOLA!
You stuck in or you snuck in to a Motel 6?
Wow, you're vaddy observant.
Seriously, what a lousy ticker!
Ugh, no kidding Kel!
This carnavial ticker is moving at light speeds. I feel myself aging as I sit here.
The ticker's gone, we must've been to Vegas already... I think we should go back, say in March?
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