
a short break is in order

I have much to do (laundry fairy skipped our house this week) and blogging isn't on the agenda. I will be back to this after we bid Hank good night.

Simon says stick some songs in my head

This morning I have "You Can Call Me Al" on the brain.

A couple weeks ago as I was walking around the track at Lifetime I was nearing the end of the workout (screw those who don't think walking is a workout) and after 40 minutes of the best of my old friend Steve Dahl, I chose to listen to a few S & G songs...In particular:

Say what you will about how things went in the 60's but man, the music was good and geez! youtube takes up a lot of space...I'm sure there are ways to shrink 'em down. edit: shrunk


“Death ends a life, not a relationship.” ~Robert Benchley

Here's to you, Hank.


A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. ~Tenneva Jordan


Google search of the day and it's only 8 am

While looking for savory crepe filling ideas I found Ask MetaFilter. Speaking of savory...Here's a hideous bit of swank from "Best Buffets" aka Simek's meatballs in a Michael C. Fina chaffing dish:


part of a song stuck in my head

I had no idea what the verses of this song were, here's a sampling:

(M. Jagger/K. Richards)

I live in an apartment on the ninety-ninth floor of my block
And I sit at home looking out the window
Imagining the world has stopped
Then in flies a guy who's all dressed up like a Union Jack
And says, I've won five pounds if I have his kind of detergent pack

I said, Hey! You! Get off of my cloud
Hey! You! Get off of my cloud
Hey! You! Get off of my cloud
Don't hang around 'cause two's a crowd
On my cloud, baby

the sign I didn't photograph yesterday

The librarians in this town look so bored that I feared arrest if I were caught taking a photo of their sign requesting that patrons turn items barcode side up to prevent them from getting repetitive strain injury . See the irony in that very long, bordering on run-on sentence?

Dam! I wish I knew back when I worked in The Office that people in positions of performing tasks that fall under SSDD are entitled to put up a sign requesting that people do their jobs for them. Maybe my forearm wouldn't be such a hot mess.

image from busylife.com

Google Search of the Day

LOL! I just searched "why do we look down an outhouse hole?", which led me to Poop Report.

side note to Co: photobucket isn't posting for me either right now...f


my computer needs a set of whisky plates

My computer is at the Genius Bar therefore I didn't get a chance to blog about Mr. Toddlerpants and the fact that he turned TWO yesterday. I don't mouse very well so whenever it's back I'll get back to this.


add beribboned clay pipes

I really like James Lileks. I believe I initially found his site by doing a search on "gross food" while I was still working in The Office and my group was in charge of Friday fridge cleaning.

I have some cookbooks/recipes that are quite a bit like the kinds he posts in "The Gallery of Regrettable Food" and despite the fact that St. Patrick's Day has come and gone, here's my first example:


dessert from last night

Watching Top Chef on the DVR always makes me hongri. Here's what I came up with last night. WW 1 pt. chocolate chip cookie with Edy's vanilla frozen yogurt, a crumbled chocolate covered Fiber one wad, Hershey's Lite syrup & Oreo cookie bites smattered about. Dada liked.



The yellow one is from Costco and I can only guess that the author was on his or her way to Dick's Sporting Goods afterward (does that say "monkey" on the list?). I hope the colorful author found herself a nice shade of eye shawdow.


Vegas revisited/signs of Vegas

It's already been a few weeks since I got back from my trip to Las Vegas with my two cousins, Fifi & Kelly. I won nothing but nice memories and a further view of Sin City. Here are a few signs I caught along the way. Kelly actually pointed one out at Paris that said something about "beverage citizens" (cocktail servers). It was always so congested when I was near the sign that I didn't want to experience a line of questioning :)

If you've ever been to Bellagio, you know the hush that falls over the lobby and conservatory. It's so beautiful there and I think this time was my favorite because I like butterflies so much. I'll make a slideshow of my favorites soon.

why I carried a camera last weekend

In Freeport, MN there's a little diner called Charlie's Cafe where potatoes are still included with your under $7 breakfast. Believe me when I tell you that a la carte is king in these parts.

Onto the photo. If you happen to have a camera and come across a place called Charles, Charlie, Char, Chuck, Charley, etc. please take a photo and send it to me!!! I'd like to have as much of the sign in frame as possible. Thanks so much!

bonus, a water tower


All three of you are asking...

"What happened to Shirl's Girl?" It seems I have bigger fish to fry, my friends. We'll see about it.

Now, back to this...


today's reason why I should always carry a camera

I saw a teenage boy walking down the main road going into town playing a lute.


At some point this fabulous girl decided she was going to do this for a living and I'm very glad to have seen her in Vegas. (warning: undergarments)


more proof of how dinosaurs became extinct

What did you eat today?

The guy filling in for Paul Harvey was talking about it being "Fat Wednesday" today. I believe it! After consuming my whole milk Starbucks drink, half of a mini scone, 3/4 of a personal pan cheese pizza and a couple 1/2 diet/cokes I was well on my way to driving through McDonald's for a sundae when I heard the story and headed for home! Read the article, it's so true.

"Fat Wednesday"


and now for something completely different

I decided Word Press, for me, is a good way to appreciate the blogs of others at this point. So I am embracing Blogger further and Shirl's Girl will be my sister blog. It will mostly consist of cooking ideas and crafts.

Shirl is my mom and she passed from this life in December of 2006. She worked very hard all her adult life and was very kind and generous. She was also a good cook and liked DIY/craft shows.

I hope you will visit Shirl's Girl on occasion!