
a message for the neighbor

Disclaimer: Living in the sticks isn't the worst thing in the world. It's generally quiet and usually a short car ride from wherever we may need to go on a regular basis. This message is for all the "Beths" in the world who can't mind their own damn business and seem to thrive on the misfortune of others.

Dear Beth,

I now know where the "nosy neighbor" stereotype comes from, it comes from you. You know full freaking well that my husband and I aren't big into living in suburbia, that we're here as a result of a housing choice made long before I came to living here.

When I stopped at the neighbor's garage sale at the end of the summer and introduced myself to her I was a little put off that she knew which house I lived in, how many children I have and how old they are. Let's see, how would she know that? I never met her in my life.

You know we are "hi"/"bye" people in this neighborhood. Our philosophy is that we do not live in a townhouse so there's no reason to coexist to the point of downright friendliness and familiarity for the sake of an association. If your curiosity must be satisfied regarding our social husband loves his work and does most of his socializing there, we are getting involved in our church/school and I have a handful of friends I communicate with on a regular basis.

Now, to the point...this message is all about how you told my husband yesterday about the tragic loss of our yard-behind neighbor's infant. You actually approached my husband as soon as he came home from work and ambushed him with the horrible news as he was bringing the garbage cans up the driveway. WHAT??? We barely even knew she was pregnant! How is that our business?

I've asked you about your "mom's club", I've asked you about who you use as a babysitter and you don't share ANY information about such things, things that are positive and productive. You even snickered on my son's first day of school about how far we have to drive to bring him there.

To your (and your husbands) credit, we can trust each other to be normal enough to do small favors when you/we are out of town so thanks for that but please, keep the garish, gauche gossip to yourself. I would think that you have FOUR CHILDREN would keep you busy enough to mind your own business, two does it for me!


Fifty Friday



I just got "Clockwatchers" as a prize-oh from Target last night. I also recommend the one and only season of HBO's The Comeback. The girl can act.


now watching

things I like XV

If you are on facebook and we aren't "friends", feel free to leave a comment saying as much if you want to add me.



Seriously, I can't think of a single thing to post about. I'll spare you another account of driving through Wisconsin.

Remember, two heads are better than one. That is, unless they're both talking to Ralph on the big white phone during a holiday dinner. One, two...AH AH AH!!!

You have a nice day.


Now Watching

...for the umpteenth time, I even watched this while I was in labor (or whatever you want to call that) with Char. We have to get ready for our Thanksgiving jaunt so this will do nicely in the background. It's all that a documentary should be.

I'm having linking issues so here's another blogger's point of view regarding the film, SPOT ON!:


Things I like XIV

Sex and the City complete series. I received this as a Christmas gift a couple years ago, I will never grow tired of it. It's the best closet-purging background noise ever.


French Friday

Would someone kindly direct me to The Magic Pan?

Here's a map of Oak Brook Center in Oak Brook, IL. My mom would take me to The Magic Pan either there or at Woodfield after back to school clothes shopping (and two hours at Lane Bryant for her). I always had the chicken crepes and then hot fudge sundae crepes for dessert. What on earth happened to The Magic Pan? I mean the actual restaurant, not the two stands that have been revived by Let Us Entertain You (one right here at Mall of America and who wants to go there on purpose?). Click for info on the stands.


song stuck in my head

It's usually a country song...

Ocean Front Property by George Strait

If you leave me
I won’t miss you
And I won’t ever take you back
Girl your memory
Won’t ever haunt me
Cause I don’t love you
Now if you’ll buy that

I've got some ocean front property in Arizona
From my front porch you can see the sea
I've got some ocean front property in Arizona
And if you’ll buy that I’ll throw the Golden Gate in free

I don’t worship
The ground you walk on
I never have and that’s a fact
I won’t follow or try to find you
Cause I don’t love you
Now if you’ll buy that



Yeah if you’ll buy that I’ll throw the Golden Gate in free
~lyrics copied from



I didn't know much about him but recently watched "Karl Lagerfeld is Never Happy Anyway" and now want want to know more.


signs and sites, The Dairy State

Taco Bell in a dell, Naughty But Nice (I'm sure), a pink elephant wearing sunglasses, a spider on a waterslide, a Trojan horse & yet another $12 per head attraction, "Top Secret"...


and now for a couple lists

the list on the left was written on the back of a Fleet Farm receipt and found in Iowa by Chez Co as he was raking leaves, perhaps the author should consider mixing in a little produce

here ya go, the title says it all


French Friday

pictured: Dawn French, comedy genius & the Ab Fab "Last Shout" special with an appearance by Christian Lacroix. Really, there's no better television or comedy than what these women give us.

Back when I first moved to Minnesota I was broke, broke, broke (this was about when I realized I should have gone to college as maybe I would've at least raked in the cost of living)...anyway, I used to go to the library to take out video tapes as part of my entertainment and that's when I discovered Absolutely Fabulous, pure genius from the UK.


now on deck for weekend viewing

Flight of the Conchords Season One

Thursday's thoughts and theories

There is no such animal as an "open door policy" in an office, anything you say can and likely will be held against you. Carry on.


celebs, sort of

Bravo has the best reality shows hands down. This one's a great guilty pleasure if you're into viewing hot messes!


Hey, hey, you, you get off of my blog

I'm no longer blogging "cookbook collection", at least not every week. It involves too many photographs and if I get down to it, I really just like cooking and eating vegetables anyway.

Monday's Menu on Tuesday

After a stop at Homecut Donuts in Joliet (okay, really, the best donuts I've ever had aside from a place called "Papa's Donuts" in Surprise, AZ) and then a rather crappy trip to the cemetery, we went to Superdawg on Milwaukee @ Devon & Nagle. I'd only been there once before, like 14 years ago. Superdawg is often featured on Food Network type shows and is very cute, the food is good and the staff is nice.


now watching

hair and now

having Mr. Toddlerpants did a number on my hair which is why it's so short right now...I don't mind it short but prefer it this:

Oh wait, those are extensions.

~photo: waiting in line @ the Washington Monument, May 2005


Thursday's thoughts and theories

Obviously if it's been 20 years since I graduated high school then it's been 20 years since I was eighteen years old. If I could redo a good dozen of those years between then and now I surely would...and not even with that "knowing what I know now" crap people say either.

So, I realize not many people read this blog but if you do and you're between the ages of 18 and 30 and don't have a bunch of grown up obligations already...THESE REALLY ARE THE YEARS TO MAKE IT ALL ABOUT YOU. If you have the slightest inkling that you should do one or more of the following, do it/them!

1) Travel
2) quit your lousy job and do something you love instead, even if it means having two jobs you love to make ends meet
3) go to school
4) break up with the jackass you're dating
5) ANYTHING as long as it's not illegal or immoral

Best wishes.