
Fuggedaboutit Friday

I couldn't find a decent photo of pasta fagioli the way I like it (not zuppa), but I did find that I am quite hungry now that I've perused a bit.


two little lists

the top one with "cat fool" on it is from Walmart, the one all about huevos rancheros and a side of chips is from Target...again with the paper towels

one reason why the British version of "The Office" is better

...and never once did I see the face of Ricky Gervais on a wipe off memo board in Target's One Spot (though I would have bought one).


heard and said today


about 8 :30 am at Target between a few stock people (women)

#1: So, if you had to choose between me and your ex wife, who would you pick?

answer by #2 (female, I'm assuming this was a hypothetical question presented to her) inaudible but the word "depends" may have been used

#1: Well, my boyfriend's ex wife comes over all the time, just walks right in like she owns the place and starts taking things without even saying hi.

...more inaudible banter...

#3: Do they have kids together?

#1: No, see, that's the thing. You think I should break up with him, don't you?

#3: No, not necessarily but you should talk to him about it and it may take awhile but it will probably change. It sounds like he's just lazy.

#2 has dropped out of this entirely, and who can blame her? Anyone who knows me knows how much I wanted to chime in. Perhaps if I'd consumed my Starbucks before coming upon the situation she would have gotten an earful of why she's an idiot to even entertain the thought of sticking with the clown.

about 10:05 am at McDonald's drive thru as I was wanting a salad

speaker: Good Morning, welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?

me: is it still breakfast?

speaker: yes, it's breakfast until 10:30

me: gross

I'd had my coffee.


I couldn't have been more ill the night Kevin and Fifi took me to their show in Redbank, NJ (is that right or is it "Red Bank"? Redbank makes it look like Redneck) but I liked it.


now reading

I'm giving this series a try.

a tip of the hat to Tipton/Co at The Cove

Chez Co & Co stopped at "The Cove" in Tipton, IA last week. Mitt stopped there in August. it.

Monday's Menu

Shelby Cafe in Shelby, NC has the best breakfast I've had in years, it's right up there with Copper Dome in St. Paul, MN.
Click menu for a definition of "livermush", eeshka.


things I like VW

2005 TDI Jetta wagon, candy white w/ tan leather interior, avg. 42 MPG, amen.

the phrase that doesn't pay

And now for my least favorite overused phrase from "the office" I used to work in, "happy Friday". EVERY FRIDAY some jackass would yap that around the office as if somehow working there the fifth consecutive day was a good thing. Saturday and Sunday were days off, now that was happy.*

*That is, unless you were required to do mandatory overtime in which case you would break even financially between the lousy lunch from the worst Arby's on earth (only place open) and parking in the garage because who the devil wants to drive around looking for street parking?

Fuggedaboutit Friday

Fuggedabout sitting down to a hill of chocie sannie cookies, I like biscotti, aka doorstops. I specifically like Nonni's lemon (limone), therefore I do not keep them in the house.

first image from


things I like VII

Is this the first thing I like that isn't a beverage? It's The Boon Oval Animal Bag. Must. Have. It costs a bit (check Amazon, etc.) but this thing holds stuffed animals all in one place and is functional as a "chair". It seems very sturdy and holds a lot of animals (we have about 20 good sized ones in ours and could easily add 10+ more). The photo above is from the site, we haven't gone and adopted anyone.


The goocher that's got me...

Yesterday I stopped at a Walmart that I rarely go to on my way home from dropping Mr. Pre-K off at school. On my way out of the store, I brought Char into the ladies room near the exit to change him. I heard a distinctive cry coming from the handicapped I'm finishing up with Char, out comes a mother, her (I'm guessing) three year old and a little baby half dressed in an unsnapped onesie. Poor baby was crying like a little bird and had severe cranial/facial issues that were clearly in the process of being repaired. I talked to the baby, telling him there's no need to cry and that he's just a sweet little guy. The mother told me he's five months old, finished up her business and headed out. I thought about the baby the rest of the day and well into the night.

We went to Target to take something back today (and bring a few things home, how could I not?)...I was ordering my Starbucks and recognized the cry from yesterday, the same woman was there with her children. This time she was yelling at the older boy, I wanted to throw up from the sadness of it all. By appearances, nothing seems to be going right for these people and that's as nice as I can be about it.

Here's the goocher...the stores are about 30 miles away from each other.

P.S. to the greeter at Walmart: You may want to consider locking the door of the family restroom near layaway when you're doing your business in there...just saying.


Oops I didn't get around to blogging again


Monday's Menu

We don't have Sonic here and for as much as they screwed up our drinks while I was in NC, that's quite alright.
I'm sure I'll want it again someday but for now...gone are the days of "I wish I could have a Route 44 limeade."



I did find a phone number for "Warren" on the floor near the pay phone at Target yesterday. I'm too lazy to black out the numbers and take a picture of the receipt it was written on.

some things are best left to professionals

Hair coloring, for example.


moron the weather

What? This is just the beginning of this poem, you can click the picture for more if you really want to. It's like reading the menu from Cracker Barrel.

WHEN the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock,
And you hear the kyouck and gobble of the struttin' turkey-cock,
And the clackin' of the guineys, and the cluckin' of the hens,
And the rooster's hallylooyer as he tiptoes on the fence;
O, it's then's the times a feller is a-feelin' at his best,
With the risin' sun to greet him from a night of peaceful rest,
As he leaves the house, bare-headed, and goes out to feed the stock,
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock.


whatever about the weather

People who live for the weather drive me crazy.

This year I will count how many times I hear the term "Indian Summer".


Have you seen the commercial for this?

Fuggedaboutit Friday

He looked a bit like Richard Dawson later on in life.


the only way to fly (with a toddler)

I hooked Char's car seat onto this Magna Cart Personal Handtruck using the latch tether straps/hooks (pulled tight) and was able to cruise around the airports with ease. We found ours on Amazon for $30. It requires going through a bit of sh!t with security (some of our TSA agents are nicer than some of our other TSA agents) but is well worth it when one needs to get from gate A1 to gate G99 in a hurry. Recommend this to your friends with toddlers.

now reading



Signs of the South

The future is in Charlotte, NC (I wish, it's really nice there)
The aliens now land at the beautiful furniture mall in Hickory and what can I say about the word "git" other than to give you a definition from the British slang dictionary?
git: Noun. An idiot or contemptible person. Derived from 'get'.

list & note

list found by Kelly & Jake of the Nutshell and notes on wrestling found in front of the comic book store in Shelby, NC

song stuck in my head today

Artist: Willie Nelson
Song: Nothing I Can Do About It Now

I've got a long list of real good reasons
For all the things I've done
I've got a picture in the back of my mind
Of what I've lost and what I've won
I've survived every situation
Knowing when to freeze and when to run
And regret is just a memory written on my brow
And there's nothing I can do about it now.

I've got a wild and a restless spirit
I held my price through every deal
I've seen the fire of a woman's scorned
Turn her heart of gold to steal
I've got the song of the voice inside me
Set to the rhythm of the wheel
And I've been dreaming like a child
Since the cradle broke the bow
And there's nothing I can do about it now.

Running through the changes
Going through the stages
Coming round the corners in my life
Leaving doubt to fate
Staying out too late
Waiting for the moon to say goodniight
And I could cry for the time I've wasted
But that's a waste of time and tears,
And I know just what I'd change
If went back in time somehow
But there's nothing I can do about it now

Running through the changes
Going through the stages
Coming round the corners in my life
Leaving doubt to fate
Staying out too late
Waiting for the moon to say goodniight
And I could cry for the time I've wasted
But that's a waste of time and tears
And I know just what I'd change
If went back in time somehow
But there's nothing I can do about it now.

I'm forgiving everything that forgiveness will allow
And there's nothing I can do about it now



Things I like VI

Fifi's Keurig one cup coffee maker & wine in a box from Target...yes, Target sells wine here in NC. PHEH!


dinner was a winner

Now they don’t allow no frown inside,
Leave them by the door.
There’s apple brandy by the keg,
And sawdust on the floor.
So if you’ve got a hankering’,
I’ll tell you where to go,
Just look for the busted neon sign
That flashes....Ea A Oh’s

~The Folksmen, A Mighty Wind


First in Flight

actually, this is his second airplane trip but the first time he had a seat to himself


here we go again

...time to finish packing. Vacation blog to follow.

Berry Go Round day 18

The carnival came to town a few weeks ago and the "Berry Go Round" refused to live the life of a carnie any longer. It's been sitting on the side of the road for nearly three weeks now.

things I like V

venti iced whole milk green tea latte...the one on my shoulder has milk from home floating on top of the remains of yesterday's ice. Yumyumyumyum delicioso!


Labor Day

These ladies look like they're riding a union duck.